Friday, August 03, 2007

Way Out Of My League!

Hi Friends,
Here we are…3 and a half weeks into OUR African adventure….(yes, you are a part of this too). It has been quite the ride. There are plenty of moments of holding on for dear life! Sometimes for fear of the treacherous roads, enormous spiders, and creepy animal noise at night. Sometimes it’s because of the stories I hear and see day to day.
This trip is certainly different than all the rest. Africa, the orphan, and widow aren’t just a phase for me, but something I have to live in light of. Especially, since I claim to follow Christ. And now my journey with Him has led me to this place.
Last week, one of the directors of the ministry here asked me and my friend, Dave Song, to put together a quarterly report to turn in to one of our major donors for our projects here – the US government. Usually, this isn’t a big deal. Just one catch this time…we had less than 24 hours to build it, essentially from square one. So we jumped into super human work mode.
To make a long story short, this report would essentially secure about a million US dollars to feed and resource (school fees & supplies, social services, medical care, blankets, mattress’s) around 9000 orphans for 3 months. No pressure, right? I’m not going to lie…I was sweating bullets! In short, we were able to get the funding and our little crisis was averted. (Your prayers being a significant part.)
That being said, I kept looking at all those names on the spreadsheets. At moments they seemed countless. Each one has a unique story, some of triumph and some of tragedy. Unfortunately, most have seen their fair share of heartache. All of them orphans for whatever reason, due to HIV/AIDS or some other tragedy. Some of them heading up households, others living with a relative, some all alone. Yet, God dreams who and what each one could become. They are priceless treasures of God’s heart – the displaced, unknown royalty of His Kingdom.

I feel very compelled to repeatedly thank all of you for believing in me and this mission. I have felt your prayers and your friendship – even between the huge geographical distance. I really couldn’t do this without all of you. Much love to you all.

Your Friend,

PS. Sorry for the run-on sentences. A friend pointed out and declared me “King of the Run–on”. I’m working on it.


Hamster said...


Thanks for your heart and obedience to be where the Lord has called you. You and the others at Ten Thousand Homes/Hands at Work/Masoyi are continually in my prayers.

For me, until I actually came to Africa, and met some of these orphans myself, they were a mere statistic. But now that I've been given the opportunity to "go and see", I return with a heavy burden to share their stories with others here.

May the Lord continue to be Your Delight and Strength!

Linda (Wellspring Team)

John, Carla & Rae Shaw said...

Thank you for continuing to bring back all that you are seeing & experiencing. To hear your heart for those affected show us a portion of God's heart for them. To be able to see names on a spreadsheet & know that they are all God's children, in desperate need of love & hope is priceless. I loved how you said they are displaced royalty in God's kingdom! Keep on!

Wyrtzens said...

One of these days, I'm gonna bring my crew to Africa and join you...
In the meantime, I'm gonna get published and hang out behind the scenes of Sin City 2.
Horribly unproductive? Yes. But that's okay.
I miss Hank being a phone call away.