Monday, August 13, 2007

A Big Week!

Hi Friends,
Today I'm heading into the Masoyi community to live with an orphan headed household until Thursday. For those of you wondering what that is, it's a family that is headed up by an orphan, usually under the age of 18. This orphan cares for his younger siblings just as a parent would. If can imagine being 16 or 17 and raising your younger brothers and sisters, providing food, money for school & supplies, keeping them out of trouble. Providing everything that a parent normally would.
I'm basically going to live like them in every way. Be a part of their lives. It's a really a small thing, all things considered, but I'm excited by this time of learning and experiencing life with these precious ones.
I know that I stand to learn more than I care to. But it is the stark reality here in Masoyi and most of Southern Africa.

All this to say, expect a blog post about this week in the near future. I'm expecting to get rocked, so that means you'll be reading and eyeful this time next week.
Thanks again friend! I really appreciate you!

Much Love,

PS. I also added some links to friends of mine who I have the privilege of working with at some level. They're ace's in my book!

PSS. One more thing. A few of us who've been working here are going on the road this fall. If you're interested in having us come thur your church or community please feel free to email and we can chat about it! Hopefully we'll be seeing you soon!

1 comment:

Wyrtzens said...

I suggest you find it in your schedule to swing down to Shangri La down here in the Texas hills...there's much food and drink for your weary travels. The porch lights on.