Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What a guy like me writes about on Halloween...

Hi Friends,

Sorry I haven’t updated you guys in a while. It’s been a real adjustment being back this side. I don’t think I’ll be shaking off my 3 months in Africa any time soon. Africa is one of those kinesthetic places. It must touched, felt, and experienced. In other words…yes I’m going back. Most of you probably already knew that, but just in case. I’ll head back in February for another stay. You’re always welcome for a visit!

So what am I doing in the mean time you ask? Well, I just came back from spending a week in Minnesota and Wisconsin, speaking and sharing on behalf of Ten Thousand Homes. I have the privilege of spending a good amount of time sharing about Ten Thousand Homes and what God is doing in Africa, His heart for the orphan, and His desire to see the Church engage the largest pandemic the world has ever seen. Just in case you were wondering, there are 13 million orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa right now! 15 million by 2010. I wonder what grief God must feel when He sees such suffering?
I wonder many times, “how in the world will we reach these orphans?” The need is incredible! Overwhelming! But then I think of this sweeping pandemic and then I think of how much love God possesses. He isn’t short on love, only short on the people who are willing to give it away.

When I read Scripture I see 2 laws - as Jesus put it: Love God, Love your neighbour. In the story of the Good Samaritan (Lk. 10:25-37), Jesus redefines who our neighbour is. You know the story. A complete stranger cares for another. Two people who are complete strangers, have seemingly nothing in common, and are typically avoided by each other – even hated (for those who’re familiar with the history of the figures Jesus uses). I know Africa seems so far away, maybe all we know is what we see in the news or on tv. But Africa is a real place, with real people, who really hurt! Well, you get the point, right?
Jesus has a great way of ending stories...“Go and do likewise.” Love your neighbour as yourself.

Personally, I’m compelled – would go so far as mandated - to respond the orphan crisis. Not only because it’s the right thing to do (which it is), not only because I must back my claim to be someone who values what God values (like the 2100 times the poor are mentioned in the Bible), but rather because of the deep, intrinsic value of God’s people and His inexhaustible, baffling, even reckless love! To quote Jeremy, “God is looking for the slightest excuse to be a father to the fatherless.”

Your Friend,
Dave Henry


Wyrtzens said...

...yeah, you're profoundly more profound that I, my friend.
Thought you might like this...

Anonymous said...

Dave, thanks for sharing your heart.. It's so exciting to see God move through your hands.. I am always amazed at the "aftermath" of doing what you did. I think it's such a big time to reflect, and NOT let go, ever.. You are wise.. Keep holding on.

u turn said...

David Henry, I'm going to put ten thousand homes in contact with this organization out of D.c. that is like a hub point- networker that links people that are passionate and concerned (about certain topics, justice issues, or people groups etc-) with groups/organizations that are doing something about their specific passion. I think it will be a good connect. How did the pictures go on the road? we should really try to catch up again soon (before we both end up in Africa in February :) In the meantime I am praying for your continuing processing. -j. rae